
The faculties, postdocs, and students.


Meetings, discussions, visitor programs and other activities.


Highlights and annoucements.

Key members

Person 1

Gregory J. Herczeg

Processes of star formation, including accretion onto young stars, disk dissipation mechanisms, etc.

Person 2

Luis Ho

Galactic nuclei, massive black holes, the Hubble sequence, extragalactic star formation, star clusters

Person 3

Yingjie Peng

Observational cosmology, galaxy formation and evolution

Person 4

Jing Wang


Atomic hydrogen of galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution

Person 5

Ke Wang

Star formation, infrared dark clouds, filaments, interstellar medium, radio interferometry

Person 6

Ran Wang


Supermassive black holes and their host galaxies in the early universe

Research areas

The focus of the team

Pic 02

The ionized gas (extragalactic)

The ionized gas in the IGM is the largest reservoir of baryons, while in the ISM is linked to energetic events, such as massive star formation or supermassive black hole activity (Figure: a color composite image of M82 from Hubble B,V,I and Hα observations, showing plumes of glowing ionized hydrogen blast from galaxy center, which is believed to be triggered by central starburst.)

Pic 01

The atomic hydrogen (extragalactic)

The atomic hydrogen (HI) is the raw material for forming stars and growing galaxies. (Figure: HI on top of the optical for galaxies from the Bluedisk Project, J. Wang et al. 2013 )

Pic 02

The dust (extragalactic)

As a product of star formation, interstellar dusts are coupled with overall gas content and reprocess photons from star formation. (Figure: We developed new technology to decompose emissions from Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon and cold dust.)

Pic 02

The molecular gas (extragalactic)

The material from which stars form. (Figure: millimeter and radio studies of the dust and gas components and star forming activity in quasar host galaxies in the early universe. R. Wang et al. 2013)

Pic 02

The ISM of the MW

A close look into the interstellar processes. (Figure: the "Snake" Infrared Dark Cloud G11.11-0.12 as seen by Spitzer in extinction and by Herschel in emission. Boxed are two massive clumps, P1 and P6, with ongoing clustered star formation revealed by SMA, VLA, and ALMA. K. Wang et al. 2014.)