1. 时间安排
2. 评分标准与奖项分配
(1)项目背景和意义 25分;
(2)研究成果与创新性 40分;
(3)表达能力 35分。
3. 线上参会准备
4. 线下参会准备
(2)9月23日周四晚上前将报告的PPT或PDF文件发送到吴梓豪同学邮箱( zhwu@pku.edu.cn),邮件主题格式为“研讨会+姓名”。
1. 注册会议,并提交报告题目和摘要。
2. 准备作报告使用的电脑,下载安装腾讯会议客户端,提前测试好屏幕分享和音频视频功能。
3. 准备报告ppt(ppt用英文,报告用中文),报告时长在11分钟以内,提问时间4分钟(暂定,以后续通知为准)。
4. 注册后,请留意后续的邮件通知。
会议客户端下载地址: https://meeting.tencent.com/download.html
- Yuefang Wu (吴月芳), email: ywu@pku.edu.cn ; Tel: 010-62758634
- Jie Yao (姚洁), email: yaojie@pku.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62751134
- Jing Xie (谢静), email: xiejing5166@pku.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62751134
- Wenyu Jiao (焦文裕), email: jwyu@pku.edu.cn ; Phone: 15650709679
- Zihao Wu (吴梓豪), email: zhwu@pku.edu.cn; Phone: 13522665924
2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium
Notice No.2
The registration is now open for 2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium.
For participants, please make the following preparations before the symposium:
1. Register through the symposium website and submit title and abstract of the presentation.
2. Set up Tencent client on your computer or laptop and make sure you have test screen sharing, audio and video functions.
3. Prepare slides (PPT) for the presentation (11-minute talk + 4-minute Q&As; will be announced in follow-up notifications). Please prepare slides in English and report in Chinese.
4. Please pay attention to the follow-up email notifications.
Registration dates: August 20, 2021 - September 17, 2021
Conference dates: Friday, September 24, 2021 13:30pm – 17:30pm
Registration entrance: http://kavli.pku.edu.cn/undersymp21/content/registration
Symposium homepage: http://kavli.pku.edu.cn/undersymp21/
Meeting platform: Tencent Meeting
Download link of Tencent client: https://meeting.tencent.com/download.html
You can find information about the symposium on the website: http://kavli.pku.edu.cn/undersymp21/.If you have any further questions, please contact:
- Yuefang Wu (吴月芳), email: ywu@pku.edu.cn ; Tel: 010-62758634
- Jie Yao (姚洁), email: yaojie@pku.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62751134
- Jing Xie (谢静), email: xiejing5166@pku.edu.cn; Tel: 010-62751134
- Wenyu Jiao (焦文裕), email: jwyu@pku.edu.cn ; Phone: 15650709679
- Zihao Wu (吴梓豪), email: zhwu@pku.edu.cn; Phone: 13522665924
We are looking forward to meeting you at 2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium!
北京大学本科生天文学术研讨会是北京大学天文学系和科维理天文与天体物理研究所举办的年度本科生学术研讨会,由北大历届天文本科毕业生特别是2003届和其后毕业生答辩发展而来,在每学年迎新时举行。它旨在推动天文专业本科生的学术研究和学术交流,为本科生提供展示、交流和合作的平台。无论你来自哪所学校,身处哪个院系,只要你是本科学生(包括本届毕业生),并且有自己的天文学研究成果,都可以报名参加本次学术研讨会。北大天文学系和科维理所的老师也会参与其中,对报告作出点评,最终评选出林桥奖学金得主。2010年,北京大学科维理天文与天体物理研究所首任所长林潮教授(Douglas Nelson Chao Lin)捐赠36,547.00美元成立林桥基金(Linbridge Fund),以纪念其父亲林达光(Paul Ta Kuang Lin)先生一生为建立中国与其它国家之间的桥梁而做出的贡献。该基金用于支持北大学生进行天文与天体物理学方面的学术研究和交流。林潮教授希望通过此基金奖励在学术研讨会上表现优秀的同学,同时也激励大家坚持追逐自己的天文梦想。
- 研讨会举办时间与形式
今年的学术研讨会将于9月24日(星期五)在线上使用腾讯会议软件远程举办(腾讯会议下载地址: https://meeting.tencent.com/download.html)。作报告的同学需要在10到15分钟内用中文展示自己的研究成果(要求ppt为英文),并回答现场观众和老师们提出的问题。在研讨会后,根据报告的科学内容、科学价值和报告者的表达能力,评委老师们会评出一等奖、二等奖和优秀奖,分别授予不同等级的林桥奖学金。
- 研讨会注册时间和注册方式
- 参会条件
- 北京大学或其他大学的任何想展示自己天文科研成果的本科生
- 今年本科应届毕业、已经注册为研究生的学生可以参加研讨会。
2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium
Notice No.1
September 24, Friday, 2021
Department of Astronomy, School of Physics, Peking University
Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics
The 2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium is scheduled to be held on September 24, 2021, in the form of online meeting.
The PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium (PKU-UAS), organized by Department of Astronomy and Kavli Institute for Astronomy and Astrophysics of Peking University, is held at the beginning of every academic year to provide a unique platform for exchanging scientific knowledge and demonstrating academic achievements, promoting communication and cooperation among undergraduates. All undergraduate students and new graduate students in 2021, whether or not from Peking University, are welcome to attend the symposium and present their research results during the undergraduate study. Students from other friend universities are especially welcomed. The faculty members of KIAA and DoA as well as our guest professors will also introduce their research fields and ongoing projects to the students. The PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium was developed from previous thesis defenses for astronomy undergraduates at Peking University, especially of 2003 and thereafter. Those students with best performances in this symposium will be award Linbridge Scholarship. In memory of his father Prof. Paul Ta Guang Lin, a famous patriotic overseas Chinese, Prof. Douglas N C Lin set up Linbrige Fund in 2010, aiming at promoting astronomical and astrophysical researches and communications among young students, and encouraging young undergraduates to pursue their dreams in astronomy and astrophysics.
1. Time and format
The symposium of this year is scheduled on September 24, Friday, using Tencent Meeting software online. Participants will have 10-15 min to present their research results in Chinese (with powerpoint/beamer in English) and answer the questions from the audience. The symposium will be concluded with the award of Linbridge Scholarship. Speakers will be awarded the first, the second, and excellent prize according to their performance. The main award criteria are scientific contents, research meaning and the scientific presenting skills.
2. Registration
Register through the symposium website. Registration time will be announced in notice No.2. The second notice will be announced around August 20th.
3. Participation conditions
Meet one of the following conditions:
(1) Any undergraduate from Peking University or other universities who wants to share their astronomical research results.
(2) Fresh graduate students who have completed the under graduate program this year are allowed to join this meeting.
Other graduate students and undergraduate students who don’t give a presentation in the exhibition can also participate in this seminar. While sharing the scientific research results of others, they can ask questions about the academic report on display and put forward valuable suggestions and opinions to the seminar. All students who make suggestions will receive some rewards.
We are looking forward to meeting you at 2021 PKU Undergraduate Astronomy Symposium!