Group members
The galacxy & HI group at KIAA
Current members
Qingfeng Huang (黄齐丰)
PhD student (2022-now, PKU): Galaxy evolution in tidal interactions
Email: qfhuang[at]
Research Interests: galaxy morphology
Xuchen Lin (林旭辰)
PhD student (2022-now, PKU): Galaxy evolution traced by the multi-phase gas in different environments
Undergraduate research training (2020-2022, PKU): Tidal and Ram-Pressure Strippings in the NGC 4636 Group
Email: linxc[at]
Research Interests: environmental effects on galaxies, multi-phase gas within galaxies
Xinkai Chen (陈新凯)
Postdoc (2022-now, KIAA/PKU): Scaling relation of galaxies in groups/clusters
Email: xkchen[at]
Research Interests: galatic scaling relations
Hangyuan Li (李杭远)
PhD student (2021-now, PKU): Morphology and kinematics of the stellar and gaseous galactic disks
Bachelor thesis (2020-2021, PKU): The radial motion of galactic HI in the Auriga simulation
Undergraduate research training (2019-2020, PKU): The observed radial motion of galactic HI
Email: douglas_li[at]
Research Interests: galaxy morphology, galatic HI kinematics
Zezhong Liang (梁泽众)
PhD student (2021-now, PKU): The non-asymmetric structures of galaxies
Bachelor thesis (2020-2021, PKU): Quantifying the uncertainties of derived torque fields of galaxies
Udergraduate research training (2019-2020, PKU): Deriving the torque fields of galaxies
Email: zezhongliang[@]
Research Interests: galaxy morphology and dynamics
Shun Wang (王舜)
PhD student (2020-now, PKU): Galaxy evolution in environments from close pairs to cosmological filaments
Bachelor thesis (2019-2020, PKU): HI richness and color gradients of galaxies in the Eridanus group
Undergraduate research training (2018-2019, PKU): Distribution of HI in early-type galaxies
Research Interests: evolution of galaxies in different environments
Dong Yang (杨冬)
PhD student (2019-now, PKU): Clues of galaxies evolution from the FEASTS survey
Bachelor thesis (2018-2019, PKU): Radial distribution of star forming history of Bluedisk galaxies
Email: yd_astro[at]
Research Interests: galactic HI kinemactics, galactic HI morphology
Previous members
Bumhyun Lee
Boya Fellowship Postdoc (2019-2021, PKU/KIAA): Molecular gas of galaxies in the N4631 and IC1459 groups
Current status: postdoc at KASI
Toky Herimandimby Randriamampandry
Postdoc (2017-2020, PKU/KIAA): Kinematics and dynamics of HI in galaxies
Current status: postdoc at Valongo Observatory
Liuhang Ye (叶刘杭)
Undergraduate research training (2021-2022, PKU/KIAA): Photometry for low-mass galaxies
Current status: Master student at Zurich
Huiling Chen (陈慧玲)
Bachelor thesis (2021-2022, PKU/KIAA): HI scaling relations of low-mass galaxies
Current status: PhD student at PKU
Yun Zheng (郑沄)
PhD student (2016-2022, PKU):Edge-on view of galactic HI
Current status: postdoc at Zhijiang Laboratory
Yi Kang (亢议)
Undergraduate research training (2018-2019): Galactic disk breaks in numerical simulations
Current status: PhD student at IPMU