- Registration Fee
There is no registration fee for this conference.
- Accommodations
- The conference will book a limited number of rooms at hotels around PKU. The participants need to pay the hotel fee.
- For more accommodation options, see: http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/visitor-info
- Travel Expenses
All participants will be responsible for their own travel expenses.
- Meals
- The conference will provide daily lunches, refreshments and a conference banquet for free.
- Participants are responsible for their other meals.
For questions, contact Ms. Jingling Guan(关靖龄) <guanjingling@pku.edu.cn>
or Ms. Min Sun (孙敏) <minsun1206@pku.edu.cn; 010-62756630>
or Ms. Shuyan Liu (刘树岩) <shuyan@pku.edu.cn; 010-62756630 >