Invited Speakers

Bingqiu Chen(YNU): Multi-channel Photometric Survey Telescope (Mephisto)

Sophia Dai (NAOC): China's telescope access program (TAP) - the past, present and future

Xiaohui Fan (Arizona): Current and future facilities in the US OIR system

Jinlin Han (NAOC) : China Array of Radio Telescopes

Haijiao Jiang(NIAOT): Next Generation Palomar Spectrograph (NGPS)

Xu Kong(USTC): 2.5m Wide Field Survey Telescope

Jifeng Liu(NAOC): Updates on the 12m Large Optical Telescope (LOT)

Zhong Liu(YNAO): Advanced Ground-based Solar Observatory

Yong Shi(NJU): 4-m Optical Survey Telescope 

Na Wang(XAO): Xingjiang Qitai 110m Radio Telescope (QTT)

Zhong Wang(CASSACA): CASSACA Astronomical Facilities in Chile

Zhongxiang Wang(SHAO): SHAO's 2-meter Telescope at Chile

Jianghua Wu (BNU) :The 1.9m Optical Telescope

Xuefeng Wu (PMO): Chinese Optical Sky Watcher Array (COSWA)

Ji Yang(PMO): A 60m-class Submm Telescope

Xu Zhou(NAOC): Data Processing for DESI Imaging Surveys

Yongheng Zhao (NAOC): Spectroscopic survey of LAMOST