
Found 2624 results
K. Morokuma-Matsui, Serra, P. , Maccagni, F. M. , For, B. - Q. , Wang, J. , Bekki, K. , Morokuma, T. , Egusa, F. , Espada, D. , Miura, R. E. , Nakanishi, K. , Koribalski, B. S. , and Takeuchi, T. T. , Complex distribution and velocity field of molecular gas in NGC 1316 as revealed by the Morita Array of ALMA, \pasj, vol. 71, p. 85, 2019.
L. A. Riguccini, Treister, E. , Menéndez-Delmestre, K. , Cardamone, C. , Civano, F. , Gonçalves, T. S. , Hasinger, G. , Koekemoer, A. M. , Lanzuisi, G. , Le Floc'h, E. , Lusso, E. , Lutz, D. , Marchesi, S. , Miyaji, T. , Pozzi, F. , Ricci, C. , Rodighiero, G. , Salvato, M. , ers, D. Sand, Schawinski, K. , and Suh, H. , The Composite Nature of Dust-obscured Galaxies (DOGs) at z \ensuremath\sim} 2─3 in the COSMOS Field. II. The AGN Fraction}, \aj, vol. 157, p. 233, 2019.
L. A. Riguccini, Treister, E. , Menéndez-Delmestre, K. , Cardamone, C. , Civano, F. , Gonçalves, T. S. , Hasinger, G. , Koekemoer, A. M. , Lanzuisi, G. , Le Floc'h, E. , Lusso, E. , Lutz, D. , Marchesi, S. , Miyaji, T. , Pozzi, F. , Ricci, C. , Rodighiero, G. , Salvato, M. , ers, D. Sand, Schawinski, K. , and Suh, H. , The Composite Nature of Dust-obscured Galaxies (DOGs) at z ̃ 2-3 in the COSMOS Field. II. The AGN Fraction, \aj, vol. 157, p. 233, 2019.
S. - Y. Yu and Ho, L. C. , On the Connection between Spiral Arm Pitch Angle and Galaxy Properties, \apj, vol. 871, p. 194, 2019.
J. Graham, A Constant LGRB Metallicity Distribution Across Redshifts z < 2.5, in American Astronomical Society Meeting Abstracts \#233, 2019, vol. 233, p. 331.06.
B. Sun, Cao, Z. , and Shao, L. , Constraints on fifth forces through perihelion precession of planets, \prd, vol. 100, p. 084030, 2019.
A. Caputo, Sberna, L. , Frías, M. , Blas, D. , Pani, P. , Shao, L. , and Yan, W. , Constraints on millicharged dark matter and axionlike particles from timing of radio waves, \prd, vol. 100, p. 063515, 2019.
Y. Gong, Liu, X. , Cao, Y. , Chen, X. , Fan, Z. , Li, R. , Li, X. - D. , Li, Z. , Zhang, X. , and Zhan, H. , Cosmology from the Chinese Space Station Optical Survey (CSS-OS), \apj, vol. 883, p. 203, 2019.
X. - C. Liu, Wu, Y. , Zhang, C. , Liu, T. , Yuan, J. , Qin, S. - L. , Ju, B. - G. , and Li, L. - X. , C₂H N = 1 - 0 and N₂H$^+$ J = 1 - 0 observations of Planck Galactic cold clumps}, \aap, vol. 622, p. A32, 2019.
X. - J. Yue, Han, W. - B. , and Chen, X. , Dark Matter: An Efficient Catalyst for Intermediate-mass-ratio-inspiral Events, \apj, vol. 874, p. 34, 2019.
R. Joshi, Srianand, R. , Chand, H. , Wu, X. - B. , Noterdaeme, P. , Petitjean, P. , and Ho, L. C. , Deceleration of C IV and Si IV Broad Absorption Lines in X-Ray Bright Quasar SDSS-J092345+512710, \apj, vol. 871, p. 43, 2019.
D. Porquet, Done, C. , Reeves, J.  N. , Grosso, N. , Marinucci, A. , Matt, G. , Lobban, A. , Nardini, E. , Braito, V. , Marin, F. , Kubota, A. , Ricci, C. , Koss, M. , Stern, D. , Ballantyne, D. , and Farrah, D. , A deep X-ray view of the bare AGN Ark 120. V. Spin determination from disc-Comptonisation efficiency method, \aap, vol. 623, p. A11, 2019.
L. Shao, Degeneracy in studying the supranuclear equation of state and modified gravity with neutron stars, in American Institute of Physics Conference Series, 2019, vol. 2127, p. 020016.
Z. -yi Man, Peng, Y. -jie, Kong, X. , Guo, K. -xin, Zhang, C. -peng, and Dou, J. , The dependence of AGN activity on environment in SDSS, \mnras, vol. 488, pp. 89-98, 2019.
Z. - Y. Zheng, Rhoads, J. E. , Wang, J. - X. , Malhotra, S. , Walker, A. , Mooney, T. , Jiang, C. , Hu, W. , Hibon, P. , Jiang, L. , Infante, L. , L. Barrientos, F. , Galaz, G. , Valdes, F. , Wester, W. , Yang, H. , Coughlin, A. , Harish, S. , Kang, W. , Khostovan, A. Ahmad, Kong, X. , Perez, L. A. , Pharo, J. , Wold, I. , and Zheng, X. , Design for the First Narrowband Filter for the Dark Energy Camera: Optimizing the LAGER Survey for z \ensuremath\sim} 7 Galaxies}, \pasp, vol. 131, p. 074502, 2019.
Z. - Y. Zheng, Rhoads, J. E. , Wang, J. - X. , Malhotra, S. , Walker, A. , Mooney, T. , Jiang, C. , Hu, W. , Hibon, P. , Jiang, L. , Infante, L. , L. Barrientos, F. , Galaz, G. , Valdes, F. , Wester, W. , Yang, H. , Coughlin, A. , Harish, S. , Kang, W. , Khostovan, A. Ahmad, Kong, X. , Perez, L. A. , Pharo, J. , Wold, I. , and Zheng, X. , Design for the First Narrowband Filter for the Dark Energy Camera: Optimizing the LAGER Survey for z ̃ 7 Galaxies, \pasp, vol. 131, p. 074502, 2019.
J.  W. McKee, Stappers, B.  W. , Bassa, C.  G. , Chen, S. , Cognard, I. , Gaikwad, M. , Janssen, G.  H. , Karuppusamy, R. , Kramer, M. , Lee, K.  J. , Liu, K. , Perrodin, D. , Sanidas, S.  A. , Smits, R. , Wang, L. , and Zhu, W.  W. , A detailed study of giant pulses from PSR B1937+21 using the Large European Array for Pulsars, \mnras, vol. 483, pp. 4784-4802, 2019.
K. France, Pascucci, I. , Dong, R. , Ardila, D. R. , Calvet, N. , de Castro, A. I. Gómez, Espaillat, C. , Günther, H. Moritz, Herczeg, G. J. , Manara, C. F. , O'Meara, J. M. , and Schneider, C. , Detecting Protoplanets and Tracing the Composition and Evolution of Planet-forming Material with Large UV/Optical Observatories, \baas, vol. 51, p. 167, 2019.
A. Torres-Orjuela, Chen, X. , Cao, Z. , Amaro-Seoane, P. , and Peng, P. , Detecting the beaming effect of gravitational waves, \prd, vol. 100, p. 063012, 2019.
E. Zhou, Tsokaros, A. , Ury\=u, K. , Xu, R. X. , and Shibata, M. , Differentially rotating strange star in general relativity, \prd, vol. 100, p. 043015, 2019.
T. Panamarev, Just, A. , Spurzem, R. , Berczik, P. , Wang, L. , and Sedda, M. Arca, Direct N-body simulation of the Galactic centre, \mnras, vol. 484, pp. 3279-3290, 2019.
S. Li, Berczik, P. , Chen, X. , Liu, F.  K. , Spurzem, R. , and Qiu, Y. , Direct N-body Simulations of Tidal Disruption Rate Evolution in Equal-mass Galaxy Mergers, \apj, vol. 883, p. 132, 2019.
H. M. Yesuf and Ho, L. C. , Dirt-cheap Gas Scaling Relations: Using Dust Absorption, Metallicity, and Galaxy Size to Predict Gas Masses for Large Samples of Galaxies, \apj, vol. 884, p. 177, 2019.
T. W. - S. Holoien, Vallely, P. J. , Auchettl, K. , Stanek, K.  Z. , Kochanek, C. S. , K. French, D. , Prieto, J. L. , Shappee, B. J. , Brown, J. S. , Fausnaugh, M. M. , Dong, S. , Thompson, T. A. , Bose, S. , Neustadt, J. M.  M. , Cacella, P. , Brimacombe, J. , Kendurkar, M. R. , Beaton, R. L. , Boutsia, K. , Chomiuk, L. , Connor, T. , Morrell, N. , Newman, A. B. , Rudie, G. C. , Shishkovksy, L. , and Strader, J. , Discovery and Early Evolution of ASASSN-19bt, the First TDE Detected by TESS, \apj, vol. 883, p. 111, 2019.
G. Beccari, Ferraro, F.  R. , Dalessandro, E. , Lanzoni, B. , Raso, S. , Origlia, L. , Vesperini, E. , Hong, J. , Sills, A. , Dieball, A. , and Knigge, C. , Discovery of a Double Blue Straggler Sequence in M15: New Insight into the Core-collapse Process, \apj, vol. 876, p. 87, 2019.
