
Found 2624 results
M.  R. Samal, Ojha, D.  K. , Jose, J. , Zavagno, A. , Takahashi, S. , Neichel, B. , Kim, J.  S. , Chauhan, N. , Pandey, A.  K. , Zinchenko, I. , Tamura, M. , and Ghosh, S.  K. , Star formation in the filament of S254-S258 OB complex: a cluster in the process of being created, aap, vol. 581, p. A5, 2015.
H. Yuan, Liu, X. , Xiang, M. , Huang, Y. , Zhang, H. , and Chen, B. , Stellar Color Regression: A Spectroscopy-based Method for Color Calibration to a Few Millimagnitude Accuracy and the Recalibration of Stripe 82, \apj, vol. 799, p. 133, 2015.
H. Yuan, Liu, X. , Xiang, M. , Huang, Y. , and Chen, B. , Stellar Loci. I. Metallicity Dependence and Intrinsic Widths, \apj, vol. 799, p. 134, 2015.
H. Yuan, Liu, X. , Xiang, M. , Huang, Y. , Chen, B. , Wu, Y. , Hou, Y. , and Zhang, Y. , Stellar Loci II. A Model-free Estimate of the Binary Fraction for Field FGK Stars, \apj, vol. 799, p. 135, 2015.
H. Yuan, Liu, X. , Xiang, M. , Huang, Y. , and Chen, B. , Stellar Loci. III. Photometric Metallicities for Half Million FGK Stars of Stripe 82, apj, vol. 803, p. 13, 2015.
R. Riffel, Mason, R.  E. , Martins, L.  P. , Rodríguez-Ardila, A. , Ho, L.  C. , Riffel, R.  A. , Lira, P. , O. Martin, G. , Ruschel-Dutra, D. , Alonso-Herrero, A. , Flohic, H. , McDermid, R.  M. , C. Almeida, R. , Thanjavur, K. , and Winge, C. , The stellar spectral features of nearby galaxies in the near infrared: tracers of thermally pulsing asymptotic giant branch stars?, mnras, vol. 450, pp. 3069-3079, 2015.
D.  J. Carson, Barth, A.  J. , Seth, A.  C. , M. Brok, den, Cappellari, M. , Greene, J.  E. , Ho, L.  C. , and Neumayer, N. , The Structure of Nuclear Star Clusters in Nearby Late-type Spiral Galaxies from Hubble Space Telescope Wide Field Camera 3 Imaging, aj, vol. 149, p. 170, 2015.
S. Dai, Hobbs, G. , Manchester, R.  N. , Kerr, M. , Shannon, R.  M. , van Straten, W. , Mata, A. , Bailes, M. , Bhat, N.  D.  R. , Burke-Spolaor, S. , Coles, W.  A. , Johnston, S. , Keith, M.  J. , Levin, Y. , Osłowski, S. , Reardon, D. , Ravi, V. , Sarkissian, J.  M. , Tiburzi, C. , Toomey, L. , Wang, H.  G. , Wang, J. - B. , Wen, L. , Xu, R.  X. , Yan, W.  M. , and Zhu, X. - J. , A study of multifrequency polarization pulse profiles of millisecond pulsars, mnras, vol. 449, pp. 3223-3262, 2015.
S. Zhong, Berczik, P. , and Spurzem, R. , Supermassive Black Holes in Galactic Nuclei with Tidal Disruption of Stars. II. Axisymmetric Nuclei, apj, vol. 811, p. 22, 2015.
P. Du, Hu, C. , Lu, K. - X. , Huang, Y. - K. , Cheng, C. , Qiu, J. , Li, Y. - R. , Zhang, Y. - W. , Fan, X. - L. , Bai, J. - M. , Bian, W. - H. , Yuan, Y. - F. , Kaspi, S. , Ho, L.  C. , Netzer, H. , Wang, J. - M. , and Collaboration, S. E. A. M. B. H. , Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. IV. H{$\beta$} Time Lags and Implications for Super-Eddington Accretion, apj, vol. 806, p. 22, 2015.
C. Hu, Du, P. , Lu, K. - X. , Li, Y. - R. , Wang, F. , Qiu, J. , Bai, J. - M. , Kaspi, S. , Ho, L.  C. , Netzer, H. , Wang, J. - M. , and Collaboration, S. E. A. M. B. H. , Supermassive Black Holes with High Accretion Rates in Active Galactic Nuclei. III. Detection of Fe II Reverberation in Nine Narrow-line Seyfert 1 Galaxies, apj, vol. 804, p. 138, 2015.
T. Sitnova, Zhao, G. , Mashonkina, L. , Chen, Y. , Liu, F. , Pakhomov, Y. , Tan, K. , Bolte, M. , Alexeeva, S. , Grupp, F. , Shi, J. - R. , and Zhang, H. - W. , Systematic Non-LTE Study of the -2.6 $łt$ [Fe/H] $łt$ 0.2 F and G dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood. I. Stellar Atmosphere Parameters, apj, vol. 808, p. 148, 2015.
F. Zhang, Lu, Y. , and Yu, Q. , On Testing the Kerr Metric of the Massive Black Hole in the Galactic Center via Stellar Orbital Motion: Full General Relativistic Treatment, apj, vol. 809, p. 127, 2015.
W. Skidmore, Teams, T. M. T. Internatio, and T. Committee, S. Advisory, Thirty Meter Telescope Detailed Science Case: 2015, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 15, p. 1945, 2015.
H. Zhang, Yan, H. , and Dong, L. , Tracing Magnetic Fields by Atomic Alignment in Extended Radiation Fields, apj, vol. 804, p. 142, 2015.
R. de Grijs, Turning off the lights: Supernova SN1987A 30 years on, ArXiv e-prints, 2015.
S. Dong, Katz, B. , Kushnir, D. , and Prieto, J.  L. , Type Ia supernovae with bimodal explosions are common - possible smoking gun for direct collisions of white dwarfs, mnras, vol. 454, pp. L61-L65, 2015.
Z. Li, Qu, Z. , Chen, L. , Guo, Y. , Qu, J. , and Xu, R. , An Ultra-low-mass and Small-radius Compact Object in 4U 1746-37?, \apj, vol. 798, p. 56, 2015.
F. Wang, Wu, X. - B. , Fan, X. , Yang, J. , Cai, Z. , Yi, W. , Zuo, W. , Wang, R. , McGreer, I.  D. , Ho, L.  C. , Kim, M. , Yang, Q. , Bian, F. , and Jiang, L. , An Ultra-luminous Quasar at z = 5.363 with a Ten Billion Solar Mass Black Hole and a Metal-rich DLA at z \tilde 5, apjl, vol. 807, p. L9, 2015.
X. - B. Wu, Wang, F. , Fan, X. , Yi, W. , Zuo, W. , Bian, F. , Jiang, L. , McGreer, I.  D. , Wang, R. , Yang, J. , Yang, Q. , Thompson, D. , and Beletsky, Y. , An ultraluminous quasar with a twelve-billion-solar-mass black hole at redshift 6.30, \nat, vol. 518, pp. 512-515, 2015.
Y. - J. Guo, Dai, S. , Li, Z. - S. , Liu, Y. , Tong, H. , and Xu, R. - X. , Understanding the X-ray spectrum of anomalous X-ray pulsars and soft gamma-ray repeaters, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 15, p. 525, 2015.
Y. Li, Yuan, W. , Zhou, H.  Y. , Komossa, S. , Ai, Y.  L. , Liu, W.  J. , and Boisvert, J.  H. , An Unobscured Type II Quasar Candidate: SDSS J012032.19-005501.9, \aj, vol. 149, p. 75, 2015.
H. Gao, Zhang, H. - W. , Xiang, M. - S. , Huang, Y. , Liu, X. - W. , Luo, A. - L. , Zhang, H. - T. , Wu, Y. , Zhang, Y. , Li, G. - W. , and Du, B. , Validation of LAMOST stellar parameters with the PASTEL catalog, Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics, vol. 15, p. 2204, 2015.
V. Ripepi, Moretti, M.  I. , Marconi, M. , Clementini, G. , Cioni, M. - R.  L. , de Grijs, R. , Emerson, J.  P. , Groenewegen, M.  A.  T. , Ivanov, V.  D. , Muraveva, T. , Piatti, A.  E. , and Subramanian, S. , The VMC Survey - XIII. Type II Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud, \mnras, vol. 446, pp. 3034-3061, 2015.
S. Rubele, Girardi, L. , Kerber, L. , Cioni, M. - R.  L. , Piatti, A.  E. , Zaggia, S. , Bekki, K. , Bressan, A. , Clementini, G. , de Grijs, R. , Emerson, J.  P. , Groenewegen, M.  A.  T. , Ivanov, V.  D. , Marconi, M. , Marigo, P. , Moretti, M. - I. , Ripepi, V. , Subramanian, S. , Tatton, B.  L. , and van Loon, J.  T. , The VMC survey - XIV. First results on the look-back time star formation rate tomography of the Small Magellanic Cloud, mnras, vol. 449, pp. 639-661, 2015.
