
08:30-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:20 Opening Remarks:Luis Ho
Morning Section / Chair : Ran Wang
I. The Gas and Dust Contents in Galaxies and Their Evolution
09:20-10:00 Alessandro  Boselli VESTIGE: A Virgo Environmental Survey Tracing Ionised Gas Emission (Invited)
10:00-10:40 J. Xavier Prochaska The Wolfe Disk (Invited)
10:40-11:10      Tea Break
11:10-11:30 Yingjie Peng Exploring Quenching Mechanism Via Gas Content
11:30-11:50 Chengpeng Zhang Massive Quiescent Disk Galaxies Have A Surprisingly Large Atomic Gas Reservoir
11:50-12:10 James Trussler Starvation as the Primary Quenching Mechanism in Galaxies
12:10-13:30       Lunch
Afternoon Section / Chair : J. Xavier Prochaska
13:30-14:00       Poster talks
14:00-14:20 Cheng Li Mapping Gas and Dust in Nearby Galaxies
14:20-14:40 Joanna Piotrowska Role of Gas Fraction and Star Formation Efficiency in Galaxy Quenching
14:40-15:00 Christopher Faesi Tracing the ISM in Galaxies Via Extinction: The High Resolution View from PHANGS
15:00-15:20 Qiong Li Dust Emission and Environment of the Most Distant Quasars at 5.6 < z < 7.1
15:20-15:50       Tea Break
15:50-16:10 Laura Morselli Where Galaxies Form Stars: A Multiwavelength Study of Resolved Star Formation Activity in the Past 10 Gyrs
16:10-16:40       Discussion / J. Xavier Prochaska,  Cheng Li
II. ISM Diagnostics and Star Formation
16:40-17:00 Zhiyu Zhang Top-Heavy Imf Found in Dusty Starburst Galaxies Across Cosmic Time
17:00-17:20 Chentao Yang The Interstellar Medium in High-Redshift Strongly Gravitational Lensed Galaxies
17:20-17:40 Cecilia Bacchini Volumetric Star Formation Laws of Disc Galaxies
Morning Section / Chair : Zhiyu Zhang
09:00-09:20 XianZhong Zheng Star Formation and Dust Obscuration in Galaxies: A Universal Link Across Cosmic Time
09:20-09:40 Minju Lee Cold Interstellar Medium In Z=2.49 Protocluster Galaxies
09:40-10:00 Kathryn Grasha Star Clusters as The Engines of Ionization in Local Hii Regions as A Tool to Calibrate Photoionization and Star Models
10:00-10:20 Mingyang Zhuang A New Method to Measure Star Formation Rates in Active Galaxies Using Mid-infrared Neon Emission Lines
10:20-10:50       Tea Break
10:50-11:30 Karin Marie  Sandstrom Interstellar Dust and Gas at Low Metallicity (Invited)
11:30-12:00       Discussion  / Christian J. Henkel,  Zhiyu Zhang
12:00-13:30       Lunch
Afternoon Section  /   Chair : Giovanni Cresci
13:30-14:10      Poster Talks
III. Multiple-phase Outflows and Stellar and AGN Feedbacks.
14:10:14:50 Luis Ho Constraining AGN Feedback with Ism Observations (Invited)
14:50-15:10 Andrin Fluetsch Ionised and Atomic Neutral Gas Outflow in Local Ulirgs With Muse: Outflows and Positive Feedback
15:10-15:30 Lei Hao Gas Accretion and Outflow as Viewed from Nearby Galaxies
15:30-16:00       Tea Break and Group Photo
16:00-16:40 Dusan Keres Gas flows in the CGM: accretion, stellar feedback and cosmic rays (Invited)
16:40-17:00 Thales Gutcke Resolving Individual Stars and Multi-Phase Galactic Clouds in A Cosmological Context
17:00-17:20 Feng Yuan Numerical Study of AGN Feedback on A Galactic Scale
17:20-17:40 Youichi Ohyama Dusty Superwind from a Galaxy with a Compact Obscured Nucleus: Optical Spectroscopic Study of NGC 4418
Morning Section / Chair : Dusan Keres
09:00-09:40 Giovanni Cresci The Physical Properties of Agnoutflows And Their Impact on Host Galaxies from Low To Highredshift (Invited)
09:40-10:00 Christian Johann Henkel ALMA and the Nuclear Regions of Active Nearby Galaxies
10:00-10:30       Discussion / Luis Ho, Feng Yuan
IV. Structures and Dynamics of the ISM.      
10:30-11:00       Tea Break
11:00-11:40 Filippo Fraternali Gas Dynamics and Angular Momentum Across the Hubble Time (Invited)
11:40-12:00 Gerhard Hensler Energetic and Dynamical Interactions Among the ISM Phases - What to Learn from High-Velocity Clouds
12:00-12:20 Xiangcheng Ma The Physical Condition of The Ism Over Cosmic Time: Lessons for Galaxy Evolution
12:20-13:30       Lunch
13:30-17:30       Outing
Morning Section / Chair : Gerhard Hensler
09:00-09:40 Sedona Price Disk structure, turbulence, and dark matter in star-forming galaxies at z~0.7-3.8  (Invited)
09:40-10:00 Matthias Kühtreiber A Multi-Phase Gas Description and its Implications for Numerical Models of Dwarf Galaxies
10:00-10:20 Francesca Rizzo From High Redshift Sub-Millimeter Galaxies to Early-Types in The Local Universe
10:20-10:50       Tea Break
10:50-11:10 Niankun Yu On the Determination of Rotation Velocity and Dynamical Mass of Galaxies Based on Global HI Profile
11:10-11:30 Pavel E. Mancera Piña The Startling Dynamics of Hi-Rich Ultra Diffuse Galaxies
11:30-12:00       Discussion / Filippo Fraternali, Sedona Price
12:00-13:30       Lunch
Afternoon Section / Chair : Yingjie Peng
V. Gas in the Halo/IGM and Accretion Flows.
13:30-14:05       Poster talks
14:05-14:45 Freeke van de Voort The Low-Redshift Circumgalactic Medium with Sub-Kpc Resolution (Invited)
14:45-15:25 Nikole Nielsen Galaxy Outflows in the Circumgalactic Medium at Cosmic Noon (Invited)
15:25-15:45 Deborah Lokhorst Direct Detection of The Circumgalactic Medium Using Dragonfly
15:45-16:10       Tea Break
16:10-16:30 Andrea Afruni Understanding the Cool Circumgalactic Medium of Passive Galaxies
16:30-16:50 Emanuele Paolo Farina The REQUIEMSurvey: A Statistical Study of Quasars' Circum-Galactic Medium at the Cosmic Dawn
16:50-17:10 Zheng Cai Evolution of the Circumgalactic Medium in Massive Halos from z= 3 to z=2
17:10-17:30 Yiping Ao Evidence of Infalling Gas in A Lyman Alpha Blob
17:30-17:50 Itzhak Goldman Can Observations of Turbulence Serve as a Probe of Gas Accretion onto Galaxies?
18:00-20:00       Banquet
Morning Section / Chair : Nikole Nielsen
09:00-09:20 Thor Tepper Garcia The Magellanic System: the Puzzle of the Leading Gas Stream
09:20-09:40 Fulai Guo A Hydrostatic Model for The Hot Circumgalactic Medium of the Milky Way
09:40-10:10       Discussion / Freeke Van de Voort, Zheng Cai
10:10-10:40       Tea Break
VI. ISM and Star Formation across the Milky Way
10:40-11:20 Cara Battersby ISM and Star Formation across the Milky Way (Invited)
11:20-12:00 Roberto Galvan-Madrid A Radio/Submm View of Massive, Deeply Embedded Clusters in Our Galaxy (Invited)
12:00-13:30       Lunch
Afternoon Section / Chair : Roberto Galvan-Madrid
13:30-14:00       Poster talks
14:00-14:20 Di Li Measuring the Total Gas Mass in the Galaxy
14:20-14:40 Asger Groennow Magnetised Clouds in the Galactic Corona: Fuel for Future Star Formation?
14:40-15:00 Haibo Yuan Opportunities and Challenges of Dust Studies in the Era of Precision Galactic Astronomy
15:00-15:20 Tie Liu The TOP-SCOPE Survey of Planck Galactic Cold Clumps
15:20-15:50       Tea Break
15:50-16:10 JinLin Han Ionized Gas and Magnetic Fields Observed in the Milky Way
16:10-16:30 Ke Wang The Largest Filaments in the Milky Way and Implication on Star Formation
16:30-17:00       Discussion / Cara Battersby, Ke Wang
17:00-17:20       Closing


Poster Talks
Hassen Yesuf Dirt-cheap Gas Scaling Relations: Using Dust Absorption and Galaxy Size to Predict Gas Masses for Large Samples of Galaxies
Lizhi Xie Ram-pressure Stripping in the Semi-analytic Models
Niu Li Estimating Dust Attenuation from Galactic Spectra
Tianwen Cao Melecular Gas in Face-On Star-Forming Low Surface Brightness Galaxies Based Onapex Co (2-1) Observations
Shuang Zhou Bayesian Modelling and Analyzing Galaxy Spectra with BIGS
Jiafeng Lu Dust Geometric Distribution in nearby Disk Galaxies
Cheng Cheng Star Formation Efficiency of the Galaxies at z ~ 0.15
Fangting Yuan Properties of LBGs with [OIII] detection at z>3: The importance of including nebular emission data in SED fitting
Toky H. Randriamampandry Enhanced or Suppressed Star Formation Rates Inside the Corotation Radius of Barred Spiral Galaxies
Min Du The formation of Compact Elliptical Galaxies in the Vicinity of A Massive Galaxy: the Role of Ram-pressure Confinement
Rainer Spurzem Star-Disc Interaction in Galactic Nuclei: Formation of A Central Stellar Disc
Yucheng Guo Extended Lya Emission Nebulae Surrounding Tens of Qsos At Redshift 2 To 5
Shuai Feng Ionized Gas Kinematics in Galaxy Pairs
Sonali Sachdeva Evidence Regarding the Role of Gas Accretion in Growth of Discs in Galaxies 
Siwei Zou Strong MgII and FeII Absorbers from 2< z <6
Alejandra Fresco  Big Data Quasar Spectroscopy: Multiphase Probes of the Baryon Cycle
Gerhard Hensler 1. Rapid Gas Accumulation in Tidal Arms and the Formation of Dwarf Galaxies; 2. Morphological Galaxy Transformation of Dwarf Galaxies at Cluster Infall
Garima Chauhan How HI Populates Haloes : Simulations vs. Observations
Ravi Joshi Unraveling Gas-galaxy Connection: Gas Flows in Circum and Inter-galactic Environment
Jian Fu Modelling the HI Gas and Ionized Gas in Galaxy Clusters and Groups
Huanian Zhang Detection of the Circumgalactic Medium of Nearby Galaxies via Emission Lines
Hao He Molecular Gas Properties in the Early Merger System Arp 240
Xindi Tang Kinetic Temperature in OMC-1
Jianjun Zhou Chemical Evolution of Massive Star Formation Regions
Yuefang Wu A Study of Interstellar Carbon Chain Molecules




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