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A Brief Resume
2008: Ph.D. in Astrophysics, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
2003: M.S. in Astrophysics, School of Physics, PKU
2000: B.S. in Astrophysics, School of Physics, PKU
B.S. in Economics, China Center for Economic Research, PKU
Academic Appointments
2024 – current: Associate Director, KIAA, PKU
2023 – current: Professor, School of Physics and KIAA, PKU
2020 – current: Associate Director, China Space Station Telescope PKU Science Center
2014 – 2022: Assistant Professor, Associate Professor, KIAA, PKU
2011 – 2014: Hubble Fellow, School of Earth & Space Exploration, Arizona State University
2008 – 2011: Postdoctoral researcher, Steward Observatory, University of Arizona
Research Highlights
Research interests: extragalactic astronomy and observational cosmology
– High-redshift quasars and super-massive black holes
– High-redshift galaxies, galaxy clusters and protoclusters
– Cosmic reionization
– Low-redshift quasars/AGNs and galaxies
Publications (as of 2025/01)
– A total of 200+ peer-reviewed papers in major astronomical journals
– A total of 30,000+ citations (SAO/NASA ADS)
Peer Review
Referee for major astronomical journals, including AJ, ApJ, MNRAS, RAA, etc.
Observing proposal reviewer: HST, NAOJ, NAOC, etc.
Grant reviewer: NSF of China, MOE of China, NAOC, etc.
Collaboration (2015–)
Mauna-kea Spectroscopic Explorer (MSE; 2018–): Member of science working teams
(the ‘AGN’ and ‘Galaxy’ teams).
The 12m Large Optical Telescope (LOT; 2016–2017): Member of the science advisory
committee, and leader of the first science working group.
Subaru Prime Focus Spectrograph (PFS; 2016–): Member.
Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI; 2016–): Member.
Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT; 2015–): Member of two International Science Development
Teams (the ‘Supermassive Black Holes’ and ‘Early Universe’ teams).
Awards and Honors
2022: The National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars (杰青)
2019: Top 10 achievements in Astronomy in China, 2018
2015: Youth Qianren award, China (千青)
2011: Hubble Fellowship (哈勃学者), NASA/STScI, USA
Our Research Group
Graduate students
Danyang Jiang, Zijian Zhang, Jie Chen, Kaiyuan Chen, Shengxiu Sun, Shuqi Fu,
Gaocheng Yin, Weiyang Liu, Yuchen Liu, Zhiwei Pan;
Yuanhang Ning (➙ MUST Fellow at Tsinghua University),
Yucheng Guo (➙ Postdoc at Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon),
Shu Wang (➙ Postdoc at Seoul National University),
Jin Wu (➙ Postdoc at PKU)
Undergraduate students
Kunyu Cai;
Yujia Tian (➙ Left academia),
Danyang Jiang (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Kaiyuan Chen (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Yushan Liu (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Zhengrong Li (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Yixiao Liu (➙ Ph.D. student at NAOC),
Weiyang Liu (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Zhiwei Pan (➙ Ph.D. student at PKU),
Fengwu Sun (➙ Ph.D. student at Steward Observatory),
Zhefu Yu (➙ Ph.D. student at Ohio State Univ.),
Xiao Han (➙ Ph.D. student in Economics at PKU),
Minghao Yue (➙ Ph.D. student at Steward Observatory)
Postdoctoral fellows
Masafusa Onoue (KIAA-IPMU fellow);
Jin Wu (➙ Left academia)
Weiwei Xu (➙ Researcher at NAOC),
Siwei Zou (➙ MUST Fellow at Tsinghua University),
Yongjung Kim (➙ Sejong Science fellow at Kyungpook National University)