Please indicate your check-in and check-out date in the registration page at an early time and we will help you to book the hotel room. The participants need to pay for the hotel fee.
- ZhongGuanXinYuan (Global Village):
- The Lake View Hotel
Instruction to the taxi driver
Registration Fee
- There is no registration fee for this conference.
- The conference will provide daily lunches, refreshments and a conference banquet for free.
- Participants are responsible for their other meals.
- KIAA in PKU campus
- A map of PKU and surrounding area
After arriving at the Beijing International Airport, you can take a taxi or the subway to get to PKU.
Instruction to the taxi driver
You need to present the guard at the campus gates with the letter below:
Entrance Permission letter for guards at PKU gate
Please find more detailed transpotation information at: