Location : KIAA-PKU Auditorium
Feb 13, 2017
14:00-17:30: registration and reception
Feb 14 , 2017
8:00-8:30 registration
Opening remarks:8:30-8:40 Luis Ho
8:40-8:50 Ezequiel Treister
AGN: General, high energy, and central engine
Chair : Franz Bauer
08:50-09:10 Luis Ho The BHOLE Project
09:10-09:30 Ezequiel Treister Multiwavelength Observations of Dual AGN
09:30-09:50 Bin Luo Cosmic Supermassive Black Hole Growth in the 7 Ms CDF-S
09:50-10:10 Fukun Liu Stellar tidal disruptions by massive binary black holes in galaxy mergers
30min Break and photo
Chair Fukun Liu
10:40-11:00 Xian Chen Gamma-ray afterglows of tidal disruption events: Theories and observations
11:00-11:20 Feng Yuan Numerical simulation of black hole accretion and outflow
11:20-11:40 Erlin Qiao Coronal accretion in active galactic nuclei and the observational test
11:40-12:00 Zhu Liu Property of dusty torus and broad Fe Kα line of AGN
12:00-12:20 Youjun Lu Spin evolution of massive black holes
Chair Bin Luo
13:30-13:50 Franz Bauer The Ubiquity of extended Fe Kalpha emission
13:50-14:10 Yuan Liu Finding binary active galactic nuclei by the centroid shift in imaging surveys
14:10-14:30 Jing Wang Making Low-mass Supermassive Black hole Spin
15:00 - 18:00 group discussion
We open the KIAA 1st meeting room (1st floor), 2nd meeting room (2nd floor), Room 208, the coffee room, and the interaction areas on the 2nd and 3rd floor for people to break into small groups and have discusssions and conversations.
The group discussions are self-orgnized. If you want to lead a group discussion on a specific topic with people who may interest. You can announce the topic you want to discuss during the morning session and write the topic down on the white board outside the Auditorium.
Discussion topics:
Tidal disruption events. Chair: Xian Chen, Location: 1st meeting room
Feb 15, 2017
Chair Jianmin Wang
09:00-09:20 Qingjuan Yu Evolution of massive binary black holes and gravitational wave radiation
09:20-09:40 Camilo Fontecilla A Second Decoupling Between Merging Binary Black Holes and the Inner Disc-Impact on the Electromagnetic Counterpart
AGN: gas and torus
09:40-10:00 Pu Du Reverberation Mapping of Super-Eddington Accreting Massive Black Holes
10:00-10:20 Johannes Buchner Learning about the torus geometry from X-ray surveys
20 min break
Chair Ezequiel Treister
10:40 - 11:00 Claudio Ricci Nuclear obscuration in Active Galactic Nuclei
11:00 - 11:20 Daniel Asmus The predominance of dust in the polar region of AGN
11:20-11:40 Konrad Tristram The parcsec-scale dusty environments of Active Galactic Nuclei -- Revelations by Interferometry
Galaxies I
11:40-12:00 Yonghwi Kim Evolution of the disk galaxies
Chair Richard de Grijs
13:30-13:50 Eric Peng Stellar Populations in Nearby Galaxy Clusters
13:50-14:10 Thomas Puzia Neighborhood Watch - Surveying Overdensities in the Nearby Universe
14:10-14:30 Sungsoon Lim Ultra-diffuse galaxies and their globular clusters in the Virgo cluster core region
15:00-18:00 group discussions
We open the KIAA 1st meeting room (1st floor), 2nd meeting room (2nd floor), Room 208, the coffee room, and the interaction areas on the 2nd and 3rd floor for people to break into small groups and have discusssions and conversations.
The group discussions are self-orgnized. If you want to lead a group discussion on a specific topic with people who may interest. You can announce the topic you want to discuss during the morning session and write the topic down on the white board outside the Auditorium.
Discussion topics:
Surveys of stellar populations and ionized gas in the nearby Universe, Chair: Eric Peng, Location: 1st meeting room
Feb 16 , 2017
AGN host galaxies and high-redshift
Chair Qingjuan Yu
09:00-09:20 Patricia Bessiere Young stellar populations in type II quasars: timing the onset of star formation and nuclear activity
09:20-09:40 Jirong Mao High-redshift AGN Luminosity Function
09:40-10:00 Ran Wang Millimeter and radio studies of the most distant quasars
10:00-10:20 Yanxia Xie A New Technique in Measuring PAH Emissions in Mid-Infrared Spectra
10:20-10:40 Feige Wang Quasars at Cosmic Dawn: Discoveries and Probes of the Early Universe
20min break
Chair Roberto J. Assef
11:00-11:20 Jinyi Yang Surveys of Luminous Quasars in the Post-reionization Universe at z=5-6
11:20-11:40 Jinyi Shangguan Study the quasar host galaxy from the IR SED
Galaxies II
11:40 - 12:00 Richard de Grijs Massive star clusters beyond the Local Group: Tracers of galaxy evolution
12:00-12:20 Paulina Troncoso Iribarren Galaxy evolution using large scale surveys and spatially resolved properties
14:00-18:00 Group discussions
We open the KIAA 1st meeting room (1st floor), 2nd meeting room (2nd floor), Room 208, the coffee room, and the interaction areas on the 2nd and 3rd floor for people to break into small groups and have discusssions and conversations.
The group discussions are self-orgnized. If you want to lead a group discussion on a specific topic with people who may interest. You can announce the topic you want to discuss during the morning session and write the topic down on the white board outside the Auditorium.
Discussion topics:
Gaseous and dusty environment of AGN on scales of a couple of parsecs, Chair: Konrad Tristram, Location: 1st meeting room: Gas and dust distribution (morphology), obscuration, accretion and outflow, origin of the material, modeling & simulations, signatures of this material in X-rays & infrared
18:00-20:00 Banquet
Feb 17 , 2017
Galaxies III
Chair Konrad Tristram
09:00-09:20 Pau Amaro-Seoane The connection between the absence of bright giants at the Galactic Center and AGNs
09:20-09:40 Roberto J. Assef Hot Dust Obscured Galaxies
09:40-10:00 Yingjie Peng Galaxy formation and evolution^Krevealed by large sky surveys
10:00-10:20 Jarah Evslin Binary Local Group Satellite Galaxies
10:20-10:40 Rui She Chandra Survey of Nearby Galaxies
20 min break
Chair Yingjie Peng
11:00-11:20 Cai-Na Hao Deep narrow-band surveys for Lyman-alpha emitters at z~2
11:20-11:40 Alessia Longobardi Where galaxies' stellar halos coexist with intracluster light: a case study of the giant Virgo-central galaxy M87
11:40-12:00 Petchara Pattarakijwanich Post-starburst Galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey
12:00-12:20 summary and closing remarks
14:00-17:00 Group Discussions
We open the KIAA 1st meeting room (1st floor), 2nd meeting room (2nd floor), Room 208, the coffee room, and the interaction areas on the 2nd and 3rd floor for people to break into small groups and have discusssions and conversations.
The group discussions are self-orgnized. If you want to lead a group discussion on a specific topic with people who may interest. You can announce the topic you want to discuss during the morning session and write the topic down on the white board outside the Auditorium.