
Registration Fee 

  • Registration fee is 1000 CNY (RMB) for students, and 1500 CNY for other participants (Note: 1 USD ~ 6.8 CNY; 1 EUR ~ 7.8 CNY).​
  • Registration fee covers daily lunches, refreshments, banquet, and excursion.
  • Registration fee should be paid via this link http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/pay/pay_quasar2019.html.
  • Payment Notes:
    1. ​​Foreign currency will be converted to CNY (RMB).
    2. This payment platform accepts Visa, Matercard, Chinese Debit Card, Ali Pay (支付宝), and Wechat Pay(微信支付).  
    3. If Chinese attendees would like to pay via business card (公务卡),please make sure to bind your Ali pay(支付宝) or Wechat pay (微信支付) account to your business card.
    4. Only individual accounts are acceptable.
    5. PKU attendees should pay via internal checks (内支). Please see Shuo Zhang for more details.
    6. Payment deadline is July 5, 2019.


  • The conference will book a limited number of rooms at hotels around PKU. The participants need to pay the hotel fee.
  • For more accommodation options, see: http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/visitor-info

Travel Expenses

  • Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.


  • The conference will provide daily lunches, refreshments and banquet for registered participants. Hotels usually offer free (and nice) breakfast.
  • Participants are responsible for their other meals.​

For questions, contact

  • Ms. Jingling Guan (guanjingling@pku.edu.cn; 8610-62759601​)