- Registration fee is 1000 CNY (RMB) for students, and 1500 CNY for other participants (Note: 1 USD ~ 6.8 CNY; 1 EUR ~ 7.8 CNY).
- Registration fee covers daily lunches, refreshments, banquet, and excursion.
- Registration fee should be paid via this link http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/pay/pay_quasar2019.html.
- Payment Notes:
- Foreign currency will be converted to CNY (RMB).
- This payment platform accepts Visa, Matercard, Chinese Debit Card, Ali Pay (支付宝), and Wechat Pay(微信支付).
- If Chinese attendees would like to pay via business card (公务卡),please make sure to bind your Ali pay(支付宝) or Wechat pay (微信支付) account to your business card.
- Only individual accounts are acceptable.
- PKU attendees should pay via internal checks (内支). Please see Shuo Zhang for more details.
- Payment deadline is July 5, 2019.
- The conference will book a limited number of rooms at hotels around PKU. The participants need to pay the hotel fee.
- For more accommodation options, see: http://kiaa.pku.edu.cn/visitor-info
- Participants are responsible for their own travel expenses.
- The conference will provide daily lunches, refreshments and banquet for registered participants. Hotels usually offer free (and nice) breakfast.
- Participants are responsible for their other meals.
- Ms. Jingling Guan (guanjingling@pku.edu.cn; 8610-62759601)